Incense : Shokaku (Translucent Path) Brand : Shoyeido Source : Purchased from Japan Price : 9450 yen / 15 sticks (USD $95) Amount Burnt so far prior to this review : 6 sticks Taste profile : Sweet : +++ Bitter : very slight tinge ... [Read More...]
by Kyara Zen
Incense : Shokaku (Translucent Path) Brand : Shoyeido Source : Purchased from Japan Price : 9450 yen / 15 sticks (USD $95) Amount Burnt so far prior to this review : 6 sticks Taste profile : Sweet : +++ Bitter : very slight tinge ... [Read More...]
by Kyara Zen
闻, or 闻香 (mon-koh), can be literally translated as to smell or to listen to fragrances. This is probably why the Chinese word for the action of smelling, contains a character representing the ear. Most people would have expected a nose ... [Read More...]
by Kyara Zen
I felt rather inspired and compelled to write this article after an enjoyable meetup with Mr Stephan S. from Mexico, whom had stopped by Singapore for a while. I'm extremely impressed the olfactory prowess of Stephan which I believe to be a notch ... [Read More...]
by Kyara Zen
Apologies for the slow update, this article was taking quite a while to write and required several revisitations to the respective incenses over a few days before I could finalize it. It is into its 7th revision now and I'm publishing it ... [Read More...]
by Kyara Zen
The subject of Shin Kyara is rather new and foreign to people outside of Japan, but this definition/concept has been known domestically, in certain incense schools for a very long time! Some incense companies have been substituting Kyara with ... [Read More...]
by Kyara Zen
I've tried hundreds of Japanese Incenses to date, and I have to admit that there are times when I burn a stick made by a big incense company, I remain unexcited and unflattered about it. Some of these incenses do not feel alive to me, they lack ... [Read More...]
by Kyara Zen
Incense : Hana-No-Sho Brand : Gyokushodo Source : Purchased from Japan Price : 2100 yen / 35 grams (USD $21?) Amount Burnt so far prior to this review : 1 box Taste profile : Sweet : +++++ Scent characteristics : Texture – Soft creamy ... [Read More...]
by Kyara Zen
I've had a copy of this diagram for quite a while, a common diagram used by the chinese when it comes to perfumery and other scent related applications. Decided to spend the past week translating it so that more people can ... [Read More...]